At the beginnign of the year a food-hackaton was organized by in the context of the the AMLD 2018 conference in Lausanne.

I participated to it and it was a super fun experience!! I have worked with a nice group of data scientits and software enegeneers to build a demo application for the Prognolite startup in Zurich.

Prognolite offers a guest and turnout forecasting service to restaurants that exploit this information to optimize their supply chain.

During the hackaton we helped the prognolite people to build a first prototype of the predicting model. The model was trained on historical data from a sample restaurant and used wheather forecasting, calendar data, and running rolling time windows to predict the the total turnover and the number of served meals in upcoming weeks.

The project was actually selected as one of the two winning projects for the hackaton, and the prognolite team recently launched their product, building on what we came up during those two days.

You can read more here.